Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 1 The Art of Possibility

It has been a long time since I stopped to analyze the word "possibility". I am guilty of usually taking the negative view of limiting what might be possible. I tend to live well inside the boundaries and very responsibly. I break out of this box with my hobby of racing bicycles. Every other part of my life is about following the rules, but racing at high speeds through city streets with dozens of other cyclists is my way of preventing the crack!

This degree program has given me the courage to push boundaries of what is possible in my teaching position. I have developed a web site to contain all my curriculum, assignments, tutorials etc.... for the class I teach. I have had some problems with administration because of parent concerns about using so much technology. I have continued with the online platform, because these are basic skills students need to learn. I push students to think outside the nine dot box, and to believe that that they are able to do more than they think is possible. The most disappointing part of this change in my classroom has been that two or three parents can create such a loud voice, when the other two hundred say nothing. This again reminds me of what is possible.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure that I know anyone who is "outside the box" with everything, so I definitely think that having at least one thing in your life that you are completely passionate and completely out of the box is great. Clearly it's seeping into other areas of your life in that you are pressing the boundaries with your teaching and the tools you employ. :-)
