Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 2 - Reading

Rule #6.....

I find that each new faze in my life begins with becoming too caught up in the current one. Eventually something happens that is the last straw, and it is that straw that pushes me to take opportunities I've left on the back burner too long. You know what I'm talking about....all those good ideas that we know we should take, but continue trying to fight through things, taking it all way too seriously. This week's reading is a good reminder, especially as we draw this program to a close. Each of us has gained new skills that could advance us in our careers and make us more marketable. I have decided to continue after graduation taking additional classes to learn about web site development. I want to develop online curriculum. This is something I would never have dreamt of before this program. Now I believe it is within reach. This program has taught me that I am capable of so much more. It has taught me that even though my life hasn't gone according to the childhood dream, it is never too late to work toward a new dream.

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1 comment:

  1. Amen, never give up and never assume that it's too late to realize a dream. :-)
