Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 3 Where to Go From Here

I really like the book that was chosen for this class. It provoked a lot of thoughts, some that I'm not ready to accept or that I necessarily wanted to think about. In all honesty, I didn't take the time to read all that was required. What I did read was inspiring and depressing, but the possibilities are up to me to embrace or ignore. Will I take what I have learned and pursue my dream, or will I except my fate and decide that it is too difficult to chase.

I know that my dream job is to work from home, to make a decent wage, to have the flexibility to travel more with my bicycle racing, and be more present in my children's lives. I want to create the learning platform for online education programs. Most specifically with Florida Virtual Schools as it is part of the same Florida Retirement System that I am already a part of. At least for the next three years until I am vested. The job openings are there, but they require experience with CSS, Photoshop, and other similar applications. I want to take additional classes, so that I am qualified to apply. This will come at a cost though, mostly to my children. At what point do I put my dreams aside to make sure they are receiving enough of my attention? This is a constant question I wrestle with. Hopefully the solution will become clear soon!
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  1. Hi Julie,

    I understand how you feel. As a single mother of two young sons, working full time and juggling this degree is a challenge to say the least. It’s tough trying to stay “present” whilst being pulled in so many different directions. I also struggle with very real feelings inadequacy as a parent trying to further my career. It’s hard not to feel bitter when you have to skip your child’s football games to catch up on a graduate work. However, the end is in sight! It will all be distant memory soon enough. I guess we need to be present to our feeling of frustration, guilt and being completely overwhelmed for another month and week!

  2. Onward and upward my friends. We have choices to make in life, we may not like the choices, but being an adult requires tough choices to what is right for ourselves and those around us. In the end, the two choices need to be the same choice, to do and be what one was mean to be.
