Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 3 Reading

I have to admit that for the majority of my life I have been the duck. I had the "The way things are stinks" attitude. The older I get though the more relaxed I have become. I am definitely not at the cow status, but I do not get upset by "rainy days" anymore. I have learned that getting upset over things we can not change does no good. There is almost always a way to make something good out of a bad situation; however, there are still times where you just have to shrug your shoulders and move on.

So many people get caught up in the routine of life, and don't strive to walk out on a limb once in a while. I am not advocating being irresponsible, but sometimes there are healthy risks worth taking. It does frustrate me when people won't even try. How will you know if you don't like something if you won't even try it. Most good things that have happened to me in life are because I was willing to try. I am raising my children to be willing to try new things, but to be informed and ask questions when necessary. I hope they grow into well-rounded young people as a result of the many experiences and opportunities I have exposed them to.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your kids are in good hands. Balance is so important, so a desire to explore and speak up are perfect. I imagine if they have a percentage of their mom's work ethic they'll driver everyone crazy and do just fine. :-)
