Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 4 Comment - Nandi

Nandi's post:

Blame is an awful excuse that lets go of your ability to take responsibility for the set of events that are happening. The opposite of that is taking responsibility for what happens. Being the board itself is like being on the front line of any game. You have the power in your hand to transform any condition given to you. Should haves are common place in my life. I have been at the helm of my fault game for decades, unceasingly blaming myself for all shortcomings.

I think it was a great strategy to get Cora back into the orchestra. I am a director and know what its like when people don't show up for rehearsal. I have had to apologize for my frustrations to students. "You do not find compassion simply by listening to people; you open the channel by removing the barriers to tenderness within you." This quote is to die for because where always feeling that something will be taken away from us if we show compassion to others or show humility.

The story of the little bald girl was my story. Here it was that my hair had been very damaged so my father cut my hair down as low as a boys. Eventually I stopped wearing the scarf to school. All the children laughed at me but then they got over it and just asked me why was my hair so short. My teacher was bossy and she commanded that I remove my scarf. I knew that they would have taken it off during recess time anyway.

As far as leadership is concerned, the leader must be willing to understand what control is. It is not something that could kill the joy of living. The teens in the New England Conservatory stayed up all night because they were excited to be in Brazil. Now how do you control that inspiration. They didn't need a punishment for living it up in a foreign land. Mission statement is let's have fun. When talking about vision while looking at it in a possibility way, a vision does not contain no specifics of time, place, audience or product. A vision is freedom.

The beauty of life is to pass off the good energy to another. I think that happened when they sent their letters to NASA. They were inspired about the reason why they do what they do. You would think that such a huge organization wouldn't have the time to look at letters but they did and they were changed by reading them.

The We principle is only hard cause its so easy to get back into the ego. I for one can’t stop thinking about my problems that I face everyday let alone start thinking about the other person and how they may be negatively affected by my actions. But I will consider this practice as it will free me from being to consumed by myself.

My comment:


I too spend too much time blaming myself for shortcomings. Mostly this happens in my parenting. I always worry that I'm not there enough for my kids. It's a nagging guilt and regret that gets to me sometimes. Still though I think my kids understand, and I'm being careful to make special time for them, and to do a better job at listening.

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